
Bhel haridwar training report block 3 pdf
Bhel haridwar training report block 3 pdf

Electrosyatic or compressed air pressure offsets the spring tension holding the diaphragm in the closed position. Did you find what you were looking for? Oil, which has separated from the water, rises to the top of the treating section. Other types of oil and water dump valves may be used on electrostatic treaters. The burner flame should aim straight down the center of the firetube. As electrkstatic emulsion passes through the electrical field the water droplets in the emulsion become electrically charged and they move about rapidly electrostatc collide with one another.Īn oil-water emulsion enters the treater flowing through an integral inlet heat exchan- ger where it is preheated thereby reducing the thermal load on the firetube and reducing fuel gas consumption. A yellow flame with just enough air to keep from forming soot is best. Introduction Electrostatic dehydration of light, medium, and heavy crudes has been used at various Shell fields, particularly in electrostaticc Gulf of Mexico, West Texas, and California.Įlectrostatic treaters operate under working pressures of 5 to 50 psi.

bhel haridwar training report block 3 pdf

The produced fluids enter the treater and trater gas is vented. The stretching of the water droplets tends to distort the film between the water droplets, causing it to rupture, thereby enhancing coalescence. This is because the high water content tends to produce over-stressing of the electrical coalescer due to a direct conductive path between the electrodes, which can electrosgatic the grid to short out and become non-functional. If used, incoming emulsion is preheated by the heat of outgoing oil. Gas leaving at the top of the treater is controlled by a gas back-pressure valve which controls the pressure in the treater. Temperature Effects on Separation Process. When there is not enough entrained gas in the incoming fluid to maintain necessary pressure, a make-up gas line is usually connected to the gas equalizer. As the emulsion continues to rise, it flows through a spreader which disperses emulsion along the length of the firetubes. A fused disconnect at the power source is recommended for maximum safety. Treaters Water Electrostqtic Droplet Size. Since most emulsions being treated contain a certain amount of sludge and solids, the firetubes should be checked for corrosion, rust and accumulation of scale.

bhel haridwar training report block 3 pdf

In warmer climates, heating may be necessary only in colder months. Abstract Electrostatic treaters have been used at various Shell fields to dehydrate light, medium, and heavy crudes. Some treaters have a heat exchanger installed on the inlet line. Since electrostatic treaters operate under pressure, they should be equipped with pressure relief devices that have enough capacity to protect the treater if pressure increases. Therefore, the firetubes need to provide less heat. Inside the treating section, a flow spreader ensures uniform distribution of emulsion. The performance and operating envelope of.Įlectrostatic treaters are similar to epectrostatic heater treaters in design and operation. The NATCO DUAL FREQUENCY electrostatic treater, used as a dehydrator and desalter in upstream crude oil processes, employs both AC and DC power to. In this report you will get a summer training report on the construction of turbo-generator,summer training done from BHEL haridwar.Whether expanding, upgrading, or constructing a new facility, Schlumberger advanced process technology is the solution to your difficult treating needs.

Bhel haridwar training report block 3 pdf